Your Complete Guide to Keeping Your Home Clean

Your Complete Guide to Keeping a Clean Home

Keeping your home clean at all times can seem like an impossible task, especially for those that work 40+ hours a week, have small children, or have other commitments that make for a packed schedule. For most, the question is always the same: “how do I fit a cleaning routine into my busy schedule?”

The answer is to get into a regular schedule and stick to it! It works by taking on little tasks each day, rather than pushing all of the cleaning to the weekends. Our team at Kauai Green Cleaning Services would love to be of assistance, so here’s a complete, suggested guide for keeping your home clean. 

We’ve broken it up into 3 parts: daily tasks, weekly tasks, and a monthly task

Keeping a Clean Home | Daily Tasks
Keeping a Clean Home | Weekly Tasks
Keeping a Clean Home | Monthly Tasks

Your first step is to master completing the daily tasks until they become second nature. Doing those alone will help keep your home much cleaner. Once you feel like you can add more onto your plate, start trying to knock out the weekly tasks, too. Finally, once you’ve mastered that schedule, try adding on a monthly task. You’ll be amazed at how clean your home stays!

Remember, it’s important to use green cleaning products when cleaning your home. Using non-toxic alternatives is MUCH safer for you and your family. If you aren’t sure what green cleaning products to use, here’s a blog post on effective green cleaning products you probably already have in your kitchen.  

Looking for Professional Green Cleaning Services to Thoroughly Clean Your Property?

Every once in a while, it’s definitely recommended to have your home, business, or rental property professionally cleaned. Our team at Kauai Green Cleaning Services offers comprehensive services using all eco-friendly solutions that will leave your property exceptionally clean and taken care of. With countless years of cleaning experience and numerous satisfied clients, we are sure that you will be pleased with our services. 

Check out all of the services we offer online and don’t hesitate to give us a call at (808) 652-5391 to schedule your green cleaning service today!