7 simple cleaning hacks to make your home more eco-friendly

7 Simple Cleaning Hacks to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Even with something as simple as cleaning or maintaining the cleanliness of your home, there are ways to do it that are both good and bad for the environment. Some things you do to keep your home nice and clean are actually harmful for both the environment and your health. On the other hand, there are several ways to clean your home that can help to protect and conserve the environment. 

Keep reading for 7 simple cleaning hacks to make your home more eco-friendly.

Avoid Paper Towel Usage

Though paper towels are a beloved product in most homes for cleaning, using paper towel alternatives is much more economical. Doing so reduces the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill and saves you a decent amount of money overtime. It helps to protect the environment, make your home more eco-friendly, and reduce your spending. Sounds like a win-win to us! If you master avoiding paper towels while cleaning, you can even try going completely paper towel-less! 

There are several great alternatives out there on the market that are actually better than paper towels, especially for cleaning. A few that we recommend are:

  • Regular hand towels or dishcloths
  • Microfiber cleaning cloths
  • Reversible terry towels 
  • Flour sack towels

Replace Air Fresheners With Essential Oil Diffusers

We know, air fresheners smell so good! However, the chemicals and fragrances within these products create a lengthy list of negative health effects. One fragrance alone can contain more than 100 chemicals, all of which are not intended to be inhaled into your body. Studies have shown that these chemicals can cause countless issues, like diminishing lung functioning, disrupting hormones, and hindering a child’s brain development. And, since most companies keep their fragrance ingredients a secret by labeling them as “confidential business information,” we don’t even know all of the toxic chemicals that air fresheners contain, meaning there could be even more detrimental health effects.

Instead of using air fresheners, we recommend using an essential oil diffuser! The diffuser will release beneficial oils into your air rather than harmful chemicals. Depending on what oil is put into the diffuser, it can have several great benefits, like naturally purifying your air or uplifting your mood. And, these oils smell just as wonderful as air fresheners!

Buy Some Indoor Plants

You might be thinking, what does this have to do with cleaning? Well, did you know that plants can actually help you with cleaning? This is because indoor potted plants are effective at helping to improve your air quality. They absorb toxins, increase humidity, and release oxygen. Not to mention the several other awesome effects they have, like boosting your mood and productivity and reducing stress. So, a super simple way to clean your home and make it more eco-friendly is to have indoor plants! Now you have an excuse to buy more plants; you’re welcome!

Use Green Cleaning Products or Natural Homemade Products

In an earlier blog, we talked about why green cleaning products are better for your health and home. But, if you didn’t have a chance to read it, using mainstream cleaning products releases harmful chemicals into the air that are not at all good for your health, just like air fresheners. In fact, some mainstream cleaning products contain the same harmful fragrances that air fresheners do. So, if you want to clean your home safely, without the use of synthetic, harmful chemicals, go for the green cleaning products or your own natural homemade products instead. Not only will you protect the environment and make your home more eco-friendly, but you will also protect yourself and your family. 

Wash Your Clothes With Cold Water

Did you know that 90% of the energy that runs your washer is used to heat your water, according to a study by Energy Star? Yep, the vast majority of your washer’s energy just goes to heating your water. So, a super easy way to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions is to just use the cold water setting! Not only will this make your home more eco-friendly and benefit the environment, but it will also benefit your clothes. Hot water actually deteriorates the fabric of clothes faster than cold water and dulls the colors, whereas using cold water helps to maintain the quality of your clothes. So, try to stick to cold water when washing your clothes and linens, unless you’re dealing with a stubborn stain.

Try to Avoid the Dryer

On those nice sunny days, hang your clothes out to dry outdoors rather than using the dryer. This will significantly reduce your energy consumption, benefit the environment, and save you money. Though it might not seem like much, hanging your clothes out to dry can actually save you $10 or more an hour, which certainly adds up over time. And, just like washing your clothes with cold water, hanging your clothes outdoors to dry will actually lengthen their lifespan. 

Use Green Cleaning Services if You Want A Professional Cleaning

Anytime you are wanting your home or business professionally cleaned, consider using green cleaning services instead. Regular cleaning services that use mainstream products result in harmful chemicals being released into your home or business. 

Our services at Kauai Green Cleaning Services will ensure that your home, business, or rental property is cleaned as effectively as possible without the use of toxic chemicals. We’ve been offering exceptional services since 2014 and can ensure you’ll be thoroughly satisfied with the outcome. Contact us to schedule your green cleaning today or with any questions and concerns at (808) 652-5391.